

marți, 30 august 2016

Să ajutăm Departamentul de Stat al SUA....

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...să aibă o bază de date ca lumea despre românii deranjați de afirmațiile ambasadorului american la Chișinău, James Pettit.

Pe această adresă puteți scrie către Secretarul de Stat american, John Kerry.

Nu încap decât 5000 caractere.

Acțiunea 2012, poreclită de unii acțiunea-SIE, a propus azi să trimitem o scrisoare deschisă către DOS. O puteți găsi aici, în engleză și românește.

Pentru a ne încadra în cele 5000 caractere vă propun următoarea variantă:

To the Secretary of State or the United States of America,

His Excellency, Mr. John Kerry

Your Excellency,

The interview of your colleague, the Extraordinary and Fully Empowered Ambassador of the United States of America in the Republic of Moldova, His Excellency, Mr. James Pettit, granted to the State television network in Chișinău on August 28, 2016, in which he referred to a very sensitive issue for the citizens of both Romanian speaking countries, the Reunion of the Republic of Moldova with Romania, triggered a state of profound worry toward the policies of the USA as the strategic partner of Romania.

The allegations of Mr. Ambassador James Pettit perpetuate an entire series of historical and cultural mystifications dating from the period of the dictatorship of Joseph Stalin and could be seen by many as an offense  to the Romanian people: "I think it is very important and this of course is our politics, I think also the politics here that Moldova will remain a sovereign and independent State within secured boundaries. The Union with Romania, as an example, as a way to access the EU or for any other reason, is not a practical choice and it is not a choice which will make things better here, in Moldova. ... Moldova is not Romania, Moldova has its own history and its own challenges".

Please acknowledge and let know also the President of the United States as well as the American people that the majority of the population of the Republic of Moldova is Romanian (73%), has the same origin, history, culture and language as the Romanian population of Romania. It is unfortunate that a high ranking diplomat of the USA serving in one of the two Romanian speaking countries has no knowledge of the history of the Romanians in Romania and the Republic of Moldova. Otherwise he should have been aware it was not due to the exercise of their democratic will, but it is due to the repeated interventions of the Great Powers during the past 2 centuries that the Romanians are living today in the 2 separate states: Romania and the Republic of Moldova.

As follows:
1812 As a result of the war of 1806 to 1812 between Russia and the Ottoman Empire the Eastern part of the autonomous Principality of Moldova, between the rivers Prut and Nistru, was transferred to Russia by Turkey. The new province created as a result is named Bessarabia, and after 1821 the Czarist Government implemented policies to ban the Romanian language and culture.
1856 As a result of the defeat of Russia in the Crimean War (1853-1856), the Southern part of Bessarabia is given back to the Principality of Moldova.
1859 Through the Union of the two Romanian Principalities, of Moldova and of Wallachia, it is formed the state called since 1866 Romania. The Southern region of the present day Republic of Moldova was a constitutive part of Romania since its foundation.
1878 Against the withdrawal of the armies after the Russian-Romanian-Turkish War (1877-1878), of the recognition of the independence and of the rights of Romania in Dobrogea, Russia forces Romania to surrender its territory East of the river Prut, which is attached again to Bessarabia.

1905 Following the revolution of Russia, the Romanian culture is again allowed in Bessarabia and a national emancipation movement begins.

1918 In the context of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and of the affirmation of the principle of the right of the nationalities promoted by the USA President Woodrow Wilson, Bessarabia declares itself independent and subsequently reunites with Romania, through the democratic vote of the revolutionary parliament.

1924 To prepare the future expansion in the East of Romania, the Soviet Union sets up a so-called Moldovan autonomous republic on the Eastern bank of the Nistru.

1939  Through the Ribbentrop-Molotov Treaty, Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union agree the partition of the Eastern Europe: the Baltic countries, Eastern Poland and a part of Romania (Bessarabia) were acknowledged by Hitler as expansion areas for the USSR. Bessarabia, together with other 2 regions in Eastern Romania, was forcefully annexed by the Soviet Union on June 28, 1940, in the context of World War II. On August 2, 1940, while some of the Romanian territories are included in the Soviet Ukraine, on the basis of the autonomous Moldovan republic is created the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic, which includes a part of the territory of the former autonomous republic and most of the historical Bessarabia.
1945 Although Bessarabia was annexed by the USSR forcefully based on the Ribbentrop-Molotov Treaty and against the participation of Romania to the war against the Nazi Germany between August 1944-May 1945, in the context of the alliance between the USA, the United Kingdom, France and the Soviet Union, these Great Powers agreed that Bessarabia will remain to the USSR, on the expense of Romania, which was confirmed by the Paris Treaty in 1947.
1989  In the context of the reforms ongoing in the USSR and under the pressure of the masses, the Moldovan SSR adopts again the writing of the Romanian language with Latin alphabet, the Romanian language is declared the official language and the Stalinist thesis of a separate “Moldovan” language, an obvious mystification, is denounced as such.

We, ROMANIANS, ask you to express publicly the position of the USA toward these issues and to clarify if the USA support the allegations of their Ambassador to Chișinău, His Excellency, Mr. James Pettit.

(Eu am trimis scrisoarea.)

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